Many times we have a great concern about our physical health, stamina and fitness. We try to take as much measures as possible to keep our body fit. But, Do you know Health is actually a state of being Physically, Mentally and Emotionally well. Anyone who has achieved all these, is said to be healthy. So, are you healthy? This makes us think of our physical, mental and emotional condition. We may seem physically healthy, but, do we have a sound mental health?
Having a good mental health or being stress or anxiety free, are a matter of great concern. Sometimes depression takes over our mind. Thoughts like suicide, ending our life or running away may cross our mind. And how can we forget this time of pandemic, when many of us are suffering from stress and depression. According to WHO, more than 260 million people have suffered from depression, amidst this corona virus pandemic!

To cope up with depression and remove all the stress and anxiety, Yoga is an easy and effective way of uplifting the mind and keep it running. Yoga is a science that harnesses the innate capability of the body to improve it’s powers and helps to relax and ease the mind and soul.
Here we show you 5 Yoga Asans that helps in tackling depression, stress and anxiety:
1. Downward facing dog pose / Adhumukh shwanasana
Benefits: This Asan keeps your mind relaxed, reduces headaches, strengthens your shoulders, hands and legs, Increases the efficiency of lungs.

To perform-
- Lay down by your stomach, taking a deep breath, raise your body with the help of legs and hands, making a table-like posture.
- Breath out by lifting the hips upward. Harden your elbows and knees. Make a downward ‘V’ shape with your body.
- Put your hands and shoulders in straight alignment, keep your hips and leg in the same alignment.
- Now put your hands on the ground and stretch your neck and apply pressure on the ground with your palms.
- Hold on to this position for few seconds, then rest, by coming back into the table position.
2. Bridge pose/ Setubandhasana
Benefits: The bridge pose Regulates the blood flow of your head, relieves neck pain, eases depression and stress. It also helps in reducing fat and eases the digestion process.

To perform-
- Lay straight on the yoga mat, With normal breathing sensation, put your hands near the armpits.
- Slowly fold your legs towards the hips and raise your hips from the ma, keep your hands on the ground.
- Hold your breath for few seconds, release your breath and slowly come in the initial resting position.
- Straighten your legs and rest. Repeat the same after resting for 10-15 seconds.
3. Corpse Pose / Shavasana
Benefits: The corpse position helps you increase your concentration power and memory, it regulates the oxygen level in the body, reliefs headache and sleeplessness. It also keeps the blood pressure from high to normal.

To perform-
- Simply lay down on the yoga mat, close your eyes. Keep apart both the legs and hand from the body, face your palms upwards. keep your body in the relaxing position.
- Slowly try to concentrate on each part of your body, starting from the foot fingers. Breathe slowly.
- You will slowly reach deep meditation, if you feel sleepy then increase your breath rate. Never sleep while doing corpse pose!
- Take slow and deep breaths. Concentrate on yourself and your body. Keep this position for 10-15 minutes, it will relax your body.
4. The wheel Pose / Chakrasana
Benefits: This Asan strengthens the spinal cord, reduces the chances of heart diseases and increases the efficiency of your lungs.

To perform-
- Lay down on yoga mat, keeping your hands and legs straight. Start folding your legs through your knees.
- Move the hands towards your head and keep them on the ground.
- Take a deep breath and raise your hips by stretching your legs.
- Now Raise your shoulders by stretching your hands, slowly straighten up your elbow and hands in alignment.
- Keep the distance between both the legs and hands same.
- Now try to bring your legs and hands closer to each other.
- Practice 2-3 times and come to rest for few seconds.
5.Standing Forward bend / Uttanasana
Benefits: This Asan helps to relieve headaches and sleeplessness, it strengthens the thighs and knees, improves the digestion process, also Controls blood pressure.

To perform-
- Stand straight and keep your hands on your hips. Bend forward By taking a deep breath.
- Slowly raise your hips, so that your upper thighs experience some pressure, Hold your toes from your hands from the back.
- Your legs will remain aligned to each other, your chest will touch your knees and legs. Keep your thighs and toes intact.
- Bend your head down and try to look between your legs. Keep this position for 15-30 seconds.
- Leave this position by stretching your stomach and lower organs. Breathe in and come to the initial position.
Just try out these Yoga asans for a relaxed and stress free mind!