4 Medicinal Homemade Teas to Stay Healthy


Want to stay healthy? Boost the immune system? Stop ageing? Look Flawless? All you need is to make some tea and have it regularly at night after dinner. These teas are simple to make and will cost nothing more than your kitchen ingredients. They will provide benefits in many ways to your body, skin and appearance.


Here’s a powerful combo of Honey, Cinnamon and Ginger that we will take in the form of a tea which proves beneficial to us in a number of ways!

Here are all the benefits of having this tea:

Cinnamon is a powerful medicinal substance loaded with antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties.
It cuts the risk of heart diseases, lowers blood sugar level, give powerful anti diabetic effect, improves the immune system.

Ginger decreases inflammation, treats sore throat, relieves nausea, decreases chronic pain.

Honey is a natural antibiotic and contains antioxidants also contains antibacterial properties, improves digestion and soothes sore throat.

To make this tea, just follow these simple steps.


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • 1 Tbsp honey


  1. Add 1 cup water in a pan to this add 1 tsp Cinnamon and Ginger both in crushed form.
  2. Leave it on a low flame for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add 1 tbsp of honey in a cup and strain the water from the pan into this.
  4. Mix this water well with honey. Your tea is ready.

Have this tea packed with antibiotics of honey and anti oxidants, regularly that helps to keep your heart,stomach,immune and life healthy.


Second tea have the benefits of Jaggery, turmeric, black pepper and also ginger. Here is the list of all the advantages you get from having this tea.

Jaggery boosts immunity, loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium that prevents free radical damage and boost resistance against infections. It also helps in increase the total count of hemoglobin in blood.

Turmeric have many health benefits. It prevents heart diseases, along with black pepper has a potent to prevent any type of cancer, it is an anti inflammatory and anti oxidant that prevents infections, useful for glowing of skin and treating skin problems.

Black Pepper is magic. it can prevent any sort of cancer, good for digestion, treats skin problems, good for hair, aids in weight loss, helps in treating respiratory diseases and also treats depression.

Ginger decreases inflammation, treats sore throat, relieves nausea, decreases chronic pain.

Here’s the recipe you need to make this tea and get all the benefits of this combo.


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 Tbsp jaggery
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp ginger


  1. Add 1 cup water in a pan then add 1 tbsp jaggery and add 1 tsp black pepper and ginger both crushed.
  2. leave all this on low flame for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Strain this in a cup. Tea is ready.

Have this tea if you are a fitness enthusiast as it helps in maintaining weight, and also nourishes your skin health and adds an extra charm in your appearance..


Next is the honey, turmeric and milk tea, you can enhance it’s taste by adding a bit of ginger, that also adds to it’s health benefit.

Milk is loaded with various vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D and calcium in milk prevents damage to bones also milk is excellent in protein.

Honey is a natural antibiotic and contains antioxidants also contains antibacterial properties, improves digestion and soothes sore throat.

Turmeric have many health benefits. It prevents heart diseases, along with black pepper has a potent to prevent any type of cancer, it is an anti inflammatory and anti oxidant that prevents infections, useful for glowing of skin and treating skin problems.

Ginger decreases inflammation, treats sore throat, relieves nausea, decreases chronic pain.

Have a look at the recipe of this tea packed with the nourishment of milk, honey and turmeric.


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp ginger


  1. Add milk and water both in a pan. Add turmeric and crushed ginger.
  2. Leave for 2-3 minutes on low flame. Strain in a cup and add honey and mix well.

This milky tea will provide you with all the vitamins and minerals. So what are you waiting for? have a cup of this delicious tea.


Last tea is the Green, black pepper and honey tea. It is best for those who believe to have green tea daily, just add some extra ingredients like black pepper, honey and ginger to make it delicious and more beneficial.

Green Tea contains healthy bio active compounds, improve brain functions, anti oxidant property helps prevent many infections and cancers, reduce bad breath, helps prevent type 2 diabetes, helps in cardiovascular diseases, prevents aging.

Honey is a natural antibiotic and contains antioxidants also contains antibacterial properties, improves digestion and soothes sore throat.

Black Pepper is magic. it can prevent any sort of cancer, good for digestion, treats skin problems, good for hair, aids in weight loss, helps in treating respiratory diseases and also treats depression.

Ginger decreases inflammation, treats sore throat, relieves nausea, decreases chronic pain.

Check out how to make this tea!


  • Green tea bag/ leaves
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 1 Tsp black pepper
  • 1 Tsp ginger


  1. Add water in a pan, add crushed black pepper and ginger.
  2. Leave for 2 minutes then Add green tea leaves or strain the contents in a cup and then add green tea bag.
  3. To the cup add honey and mix it well. Drink hot.

These were all the medicinal teas you can have in order to stay healthy by just adding this small habit to take these teas before sleeping or early in the morning, they will help you in all aspects of health be it hair, skin, heart or immunity. Just get up to the kitchen and try out these recipes!


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