It is said that “eyes are a window to our soul.” Our eyes speak what our tongue cannot say, it’s the eyes that makes us more expressive. Eyes with longer eyelashes, are surely a definition of beauty. Their may be various temporary attachments of eyelashes available to stick them on our eyelashes, but the real beauty is in making our own eyelashes naturally longer.

We may be more concerned about our hair and skin, but we often forget to nourish our eyelashes. Many a times our lashes break due to dryness or poor growth. In order to make longer and thicker eyelashes you just need to spare not more than 5 minutes a day, with the help of some natural ingredients you can achieve longer eyelashes. Have a look at some of the natural remedies through which you can make your lashes longer and beautiful!
1. Castor Oil
Castor oil, which is known to be the best for hair growth, can prove to be a great helper when it comes to achieve longer and thicker eyelashes. It prevents breakage and stimulate faster and healthier eyelashes growth. Castor oil contains Vitamin E which has powerful antioxidants that nourishes our lashes and prevents the hair follicles from damage. Also castor oil is known to be rich in ricinoleic acid, an omega-9 essential fatty acid that tends to be beneficial for our eyelashes growth.

To Use:
Cleanse your eyes carefully so that it may not contain any makeup.
Use a clean mascara wand or you can also use an earbud.
Dip it into the castor oil and carefully apply on your upper as well as lower eyelashes.
Leave it overnight, remove the next morning with a makeup wipe or a mild cleanser. Use regularly for effective results.
2. Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is said to be an effective moisturizer that can be regularly used for treating dry skin and also proves to be beneficial for the eyelashes. Petroleum jelly might not make the eyelashes ‘grow’ longer, but it can surely keep them moisturized and make them look longer and thicker. It may also prevent the breakage of eyelashes due to dryness.

To Use:
Cleanse your face and eyes gently.
Take a clean mascara wand and coat it with petroleum jelly using your hand.
Apply it evenly on your upper as well as lower eyelashes, for smoother eyelid skin you can also apply at the back of your eyelids.
Let it sit overnight. Cleanse your face normally in the morning. Apply this regularly to keep your eyelashes hydrated and moisturized.
3. Green Tea
Green tea nourishes us with plenty of it’s health and beauty benefits, one such benefit is to help in having longer eyelashes. The consumption and application of green tea proves to be much effective in stimulating the hair growth and can also improve hair health. The Flavanoid and polyphenol content (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) (EGCG) present in green tea improves the texture and helps in gaining length to your eyelashes.

To Use:
Place a green tea bag on your eyelids to help in growth of the eyelashes or to relax your eyes.
You can also dip a cotton ball in green tea and apply it on the eyelashes everyday.
Also consuming it regularly may be beneficial for your hair and eyelash growth.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil is proven to be a rich source of essential fatty acids that acts moisturizers and helps in softening of the eyelashes. It is said to be a quite effective remedy to nurture and grow your eyelashes. It helps in keeping the dryness in control by hydrating the hair follicle that results in their strengthening and proper growth. You can see the results of applying olive oil within 3-6 weeks.

To Use:
Get a disposable mascara brush or a clean mascara wand. Dip it into the olive oil.
Apply it evenly on your eyelashes and leave it overnight.
Rinse in the morning. For positive results, use regularly.
Try these home remedies to have lush eyelashes and make your eyes more beautiful and attractive!
Watch this video for tips to grow eyelashes faster.